
“There are two great days in a person’s life – the day we are born and the day we discover why.” – William Barclay

“photo taken Mt. Helo, Sharjah, UAE”

As I journey life, there are days that I am not sure what I really want – so it seems that it’s trial and error. But I do not worry about that, I’m open to make mistakes! I know there’s no limit of discovering self as well as it’s not too late to set new goals. As long as I enjoyed my days and be a blessing to others that’s enough! I do not worry and stress much.

Truly, I am not so good of talking about myself, but well – if this can be an inspiration and yes this blog is for my experiences, so let me share first mine. As I grow older or let’s say wiser? Maybe? Nope, not wiser?! 😀 Well slowly, I realize the things I love – of course it is still in process/progress and I’m flexible to it (in GOD’s grace).

I am an introvert – yeah and a bit of shy too, but many years back I conquered my shyness (lil by lil) and did join volunteer works (which I longed to do ever since I’m young). Yes, I did shared some of my time, shared some of my skills and been a blessing. Money can’t buy that feeling of completeness and while volunteering I met happy people and met friends with the same mindset.

Later on a year after, I did some small trips/travels and even hiking too – mostly with friends and some others – alone. This I conquered my fear of thinking unsafe places and dishonesty of people. Now I am confident that there are a lot of good places and great people out there: regardless of race, belief and status in life. Yes, I met some of them and counting! To my God I humbled.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” – Psalm 23:1

Volunteering, traveling, knowing different cultures, visiting new places and hiking/climbing to mountains are great! This leads me to slowly understand a lil bit about my life, humbled and discover great things through being with others and seeing the world. I like this progress or even love it so far and so it become one of my goals.

“I restore myself when I’m alone.”

Well, even though I love those outdoor thing now and want to know more different cultures – still I value having some time being alone (I was used being alone in my previous years). I love my solitude indeed and “I restore myself when I’m alone.” Where I can talk to myself, pray to my GOD, meditate or mostly noisy thoughts :D, think deep and dream! Yeah, I still love to do that. I’m still on the process of balancing and conquering myself in my imperfect ways.

“1. To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”  – Ecclesiastes 3:1

Indeed, I just realize that in life I am a traveler traveling not just in the outdoors – I am also traveling inside. As I quoted this and my tagline in this page is: “Life is a wonderful adventure!” I can now add more to that. Now I believe that: “Life is a wonderful adventure from the INSIDE OUT.” In life there are times for different seasons and I try to appreciate and feel which season’s I am at the present.

I love to express in writing my gratitude about how wonderful the world is! (So yeah, here where I’ll share some of my travels from the inside and outside). Hopefully, all including myself will understand how to live life and knows how to appreciate one’s progress. It’s a great life! It’s a great world! 🙂

“But still for me: all I know that I know nothing.” 

To end I love to share this thoughts too, which I really like and part of my guides:

  • “I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being (all beings); let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” – Dale Carnegie
  • “In a society that has you counting money, pounds, calories and steps, be a rebel and count your blessings instead.” – Lisa Heckman