Browsing Category: ABOUT –
“Wherever you go – go with all your heart.” – Confucius
Hi! Welcome and thank you for stopping by, I really appreciate it.
I do love TRAvels and VOLunteering but not a full-time to both. I like being an employee so far and to travel/volunteer during holidays or on my free days, it moves me.
Misae here or I used MisaeMich: you can call me MISae/i! I’m also known to few as MiCHelle. Lives most of my life in the Philippines but now an expat in the UAE. A friendly introvert 🙂 & yeah it’s okay for me to be alone.
As I love TraVol ^ (as well as hiking/adventures), so I decided to make this website with a good purpose and will share experiences to the world as to inspire.
Follow me in my simple adventures – to any places/cultures I’ve been, to more discoveries and learnings from myself and from others as well.
Indeed “Life is a wonderful Adventure” and I realize “In order to move forward we have to give back.”
Let’s do Care! Live! Enjoy Life! It’s a Beautiful World! �
This website came to mind, when the author/founder started to travel to other countries and learned. From traveling with friends and traveling solo.
The author is already blogging since 2013, from poems, quotes or short stories. She have her separate personal blog in WordPress but not that active. Since early years, the author likes to read and write. When she found blogging sites, she tried it but done lots of trial and error. There was a time that she decided to delete her first blog account but good thing she didn’t but some posts there were deleted. 🙂
When she travels, she write her experiences in her journal. Until early 2016 of January when she wrote her experiences from 2015 (year end) in her personal blog. This started her interest in writing travel experiences in her website.
After she did a solo travel on 2016 of March and read some travel blogs, she was inspired to make a separate article of her travel, adventures, hikes and volunteering activities. She searched, asked few and study how to make a website of her own. And then on 2016 of August born. Yet still the author’s blogging hobby is work on progress. She is still learning and did many mistakes here but she hope and try her best to give you posts that is coming from her heart. She is always thankful to all of you who participated and follow her blog post and social accounts. Thank you so much!
Friendships and a social community with dreamers, believers, good doers, and positive thinkers. 😉
TraVol Misch is also open for possibilities and looking forward to feature travel, volunteering and adventure stories from ordinary people someday. TVM will welcome guest of travel writers/contributors especially from the youth but not limited to, everyone is welcome here! 😉
Let’s inspire each other and be happy in each of us – growth and achievements.
See you soon peps and GOD bless! ♥
[This site is still in progress, there will changes along the way.]