
Travel while your single and alone!

“Traveling alone will be scariest, most liberating, life changing experience of your life. Try it at least once.” – Unknown

Hello dear readers, it’s been while! Hope all is well with you all. ♥

“…This is your pilot speaking!” 

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have just landed…” 

I am not a fulltime solo traveler. I visited only few countries in just a short time. But even though, still I want to share my ideas here. As I mentioned in my previous blogs, I started solo in the year of 2016. Every year after that, I made time to travel alone. But in 2020 of course, I stopped my short travels and I think I’ll do the same this year too. Honestly, it misses to see the aisle and to hear these words: “This is your pilot speaking!” and the best is this “Ladies and gentlemen we have just landed…”

I know many are back on solo traveling since many countries open up now and some do not requires any more like the PCR test before entering the country. For sure many are vaccinated already and it’s easier for them to travel these days.

As of me, though I am already vaccinated but I put my travel plans especially solo on hold yet for few other reasons but I miss my solo – really! 🙂 Let’s pray if GOD willing hopefully can book next year.

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert

Before I go on, I want to acknowledge few special people I met in my life’s journey. I’m always thankful to my old colleagues, my previous travel/hiking buddies and my friends for inspiring me to travel solo. I always cherish them for being part of my life’s growth. Thank you Ms. Olive, Yuli and Yoli! You are the best! Wish you well, peace and happiness wherever you are. GOD bless you always! ♥

“We may be different, but we are all the same.” – Unknown

Travel while your single and alone!

Firstly, I want to say that I am not very open (esp. vocal) in any discussions about this topic for being single. Why did I change my mind and have the time to write it here? Honestly, partly I don’t know! The other I think is to answer some questions below. 🙂

Secondly, the reason is sometimes being in society or with the companion of some other people, there were times I’ve been asked like:

  1. Are you single? – I been asked many times of this.
  2. I don’t believe, is he here? – they can’t believe? 😀
  3. You like traveling? – this amazes them.
  4. Really, you travel solo? – as is some were surprise and shock.
  5. Whyyy? – then they’re very curious!
  6. Are you looking for a boyfriend or husband there? – I heard this asked many times too, really! (raising eyebrows!)
  7. Did you have friends there? – at least they were concerned.
  8. Is he or she? – and oh there is this suspicion in their eyes. What is the problem if I have a (he) friend to visit? (sigh!)

There are few or some think that I travel for fun only specially I’m single – like clubbing etcetera etcetera.  Yes, there are travelers whose purpose are only for their enjoyment and fun, (what’s wrong with it, it’s their life) but I’m not one of them. If some people generalize this to all travelers, sorry but what a shallow thinking. For me, I think still many travelers travel with a purpose, others seek some enlightenment for their mental, emotional and spiritual journey. There are others who travels to volunteer, to reach out or to make a difference to someone else’s lives. Many wants to change or improve their lives through traveling or traveling solo.

So girl don’t be afraid to travel solo even when you are single and alone! Of course, being a female we should do some research and be cautious in some places we go. There’s nothing wrong about that – that’s our rights! Here is my “The good and the not so good moments while traveling solo” (to be publish soon).

Before ending this post let me tell you a story.

A short story:

“I like being single, I’m always there when I need me.” – unknown

This is about a single woman I know or maybe few of you may know:

Not to mention her name but you can call her Miss or any you like! She is a SINGLE woman! Except from her parents and siblings she doesn’t have any particular person in her life. In part mostly it’s her choice of course and in part less maybe she haven’t meet or found by someone who knows her worth yet. Her love relationship is by far her spiritual relationship with GOD.

She is very fond of being single indeed! A very independent woman and used to be alone. She is a bit of old-fashioned, reserve and a lil bit naïve. Although sometimes maybe boring but she is fun and sweet if you happen to know her. She is friendly and very open to meet people but most of the time, she loves more in her solitude. 

“My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.” – Warsan Shire

A woman with principles but open-minded. She doesn’t care to fit in or doesn’t mind what society wants. A kind of woman who is not open to talk what’s inside of her, asked advice or to tell her plans if not asked to. But if she open up to someone else then – guess!! Truly, the sweetness, the antic and the charm are always present in every person only then who can reveal or discover it? If you can, you are one of a kind!

Though she doesn’t fall easily to a man but like any other normal beings, she happens to have feelings to someone else too. The difference is, she’s very privy in terms of her heart. She believes in a good relationship and marriage but if single blessedness is in her future, she’s preparing for it and think can handle it well. 

“I’m single not because I don’t pray for love. I’m single because I don’t play for love.” – Unknown

In her goals, she didn’t used a man or anyone else to get what she wanted in life. In her struggles, because she’s not perfect and have some weaknesses she need some help too. To those who became part of it, you are very treasured indeed. 

She is perfectly imperfect! In her single life she try to find her being, her goal, her passion and her purpose. Although, she’s already on it’s way to her life’s travel but its a long road. There will be a lot of adventures, beauty, challenges and people along the way. But she’s an open minded, she try to learn from her mistakes and try to accept or change the things she cannot or hard to change. 

For her: traveling is not just an outdoor thing – it is a journey from the inside out. So while she’s still single and alone, she travels! She visits some countries, she go some places, she hikes, she camps and sometimes she likes to meet people. In her solo travel or in her hike/camping/cycling, she reflects. She feel the breeze of the air, the heat of the sun, the flows of the water. She hears some different voices from animals, the laughers from the people and the music from the wind. There are times when she get more rest or do nothing or lazy, read or write, do sketches or color, dwell on plants or stuffs, learn or unlearn.

Sometimes she have doubts, sometimes fear came her way but all these things are challenges to be learned. Indeed, she is learning. NBSB is not a problem if GOD and the universe prepares her to be ready to meet that future someday (and she’s ready). She accepts the wait for the right time and for now she enjoys and appreciates what life’s adventures teaches her. 

1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

(Ecclesiastes 3:1 – KJV)

I believe, there’s always a time for everything and so as we are free to feel and enjoy every seasons we have in life. This is the End of the story! 😉

I think there are ladies out there who are a bit like her too or maybe very few can relate to her. If there is can you share it here! This post is for you! 😉

I forgot who or where I get this quoted words or maybe from Rick Steve but it’s indeed a great reminder for us where to check or who to refer to – for our travel plans. Here it is:

[…too much of today’s content is “look at me”, not “learn from me”. Look for those who are sharing more than pretty photos. Look for those who do things you, the consumer, can also do (not just on a paid promotional trip), because those are the ones who are going to be able to help you how to travel better in real life.] – credits to the original author. 

Happy Travels and GOD bless! ♥


I like "to inspire" as well as "to be inspired". I love to express in writing my gratitude about how wonderful the world is! It’s a great life! It’s a great world! :)

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