
Shooting Star

Written: 31st of October 2022; Edited: 16th of December 2022; Posted: 17th of August 2023

[featured image credit to the owner: @ Pinterest Daily Mail]

I started my weekend with a shooting star! Beautiful indeed! Chilling on Friday night at the beach somewhere in Jumeirah area. That was months ago in the late of October!

I read that mid of October on the weekend there was a Orionids Meteor Shower but I didn’t saw it. Luckily, on the next weekend I saw a shooting star! It started to blast above my head and fly to my left side (don’t know which direction it is). I’m so amazed that I lost in words and very still while I saw that pretty star blast from the sky on top of me! Good thing I was looking at the sky that time. The colors I saw when it blast was more on it’s greenish but I saw some blue too, orange, yellow a bit of red, more of bright white that glitters and the bright flash while it faded away. My heart’s content even though it showed only just in seconds or maybe a minute.

My Shooting Star

Will you be my shooting star?

Many years ago (I forgot the year though or maybe mid of the 2000’s) Papa and I watched a meteor showers (so many shooting stars) at our rooftop that starts from midnight to early dawn. Before the meteor showers, I read a news about it, so I told to my father and asked him to join me too. He didn’t hesitate but very willing and nodded his head even on his tiring days. He slept for few hours and woke us up by midnight. First, I think one of my sister joined us but soon after she went back to sleep. Papa and I stayed at the rooftop waited for few minutes until the sky showers us with lots of stars! It was so beautiful indeed! Funny to say but I think I had a lot of wishes that time too. 😀

Also, on the same year I think before the meteor showers occurred papa showed us a comet as well. He had a cow that time and while he was feeding his cow at night he saw a comet. He called us actually, then we went out from the house and went to him. As what I’ve saw comet was like a ball of fire, it’s bigger with trails of gas and dust behind them. It’s not like a shooting star that flashes quite quickly but it’s slowly moving. From our house, we saw it from the direction in the mountain side. We live in the province so, those stars in the sky were very visible to the eye at night.

I am and always be thankful to the Lord for things like this, that I experienced in my lifetime. The best too that I was with my father. These things, I really can’t forget. I can’t forget the memories that I have with him. It’s here, carved in my heart.

Pa, wherever you are now I know you are happy and in peace. All I can do is, I think is – to write those memories that will flash or come to mind with you. Yeah, I can say I’m still in grieve these days but let it be. I try not to hide it, I try to feel it and let me cry if I feel to. I know my grief will pass and soon I will be free. I cherish all our memories, there so much good indeed. I miss you pa always! ♥


I like "to inspire" as well as "to be inspired". I love to express in writing my gratitude about how wonderful the world is! It’s a great life! It’s a great world! :)

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