The ancient ruins of Greco-Roman city of Gerasa located at the north of Jordan 48 kilometres (30 miles) north of the capital Amman towards Syria. It is said to be the finest of Greco-Roman architecture in the world. In 749AD a strong earthquake destroyed the huge area of the city and the ruins buried in the ground for hundreds of years, until a German Orientalist Ulrich Jasper Seetzen in 1806 discovered and began the excavation slowly but steady over 200 years that return Jerash to life. This is now next to Petra as a second biggest tourist destination in Jordan. Jerash was also called as the Pompeii of the East, The city of 1000 columns.
Be patience with me 🙂 since this is my very first travel to a place/ruins with much of history and amazing ancient structures. That was a gorgeous experienced indeed! Jerash really is the city of columns as many said!
When I was standing there, of course I felt amazed “wow – superb work of art!” Thinking that those times didn’t have much of technology as what we have today but look at those architectures! The quality of their work (knowing that it was built more than a thousand years BC but still the ruins are standing still), the materials and designs they’ve got. Ancient engineers, architects, designers, leaders and of course those laborers – really did a superb job that modern positions of today got ideas from them.
Excited! Done some photos! 🙂
We have landed to an Arab kingdom of Jordan! All of us were excited, happy and curious. We got our passport stamped in the immigration section upon arrival with the guidance of the in-charge from the travel agency. It took just a short time queuing for us, no hustle.
“Outside Queen Alia International Airport, Jordan”
We went outside the airport and met our driver; he was with us for four days.
“Hi!” all of us greeted him and introduced ourselves.
He responded, then we talked about the trip and places we’re going to visit. He later lighted his cigarette and while he was with his cigar, I had the chance to take a photo with Jordanian flag there!
It was about 10:30 in the morning from the airport, we drove to our hotel firsthand to drop our things before heading to Jerash our first tourist spot. Well, we were happy seeing many trees on our way which we missed so much the greenest site.
Hotel checked in and luggage on the right place – in our room! We immediately rode to Jerash for 50mins about 54km from Red Rose Hotel in Amman.
“1dinar!” shouted a man of about on his late 20’s showed a postcard to me and some other staff in his hand.
“Nope.” I was hesitant to buy because it was not yet in my mind for souvenir and other staff. I was thinking about Jerash what it really looked like. I did a few research about this place and I’m so interested of being there because I know it has its beautiful history. I was about to climbed upstairs but went aback to the man and bought the postcard first for 1dinar equivalent to 5dhs. Well, I changed my mind! 🙂
Click! Click! Click everywhere! We were not yet inside in that ruin city but we were super excited – so with my friends – yalla photos here and there in front of ‘The Arch of Hadrian’. The crowds were few that time and so were very lucky!
We visited Jerash started from noontime and ended until 3:30pm. That was on September (Eid Al Adha – long holiday for Arabs), still its a hot weather – probably up to 33°C! Well, when you were on an interesting journey weather doesn’t matter as long as you have the right clothes and protection. Luckily, that time I wore my smooth long pants, had long sleeves, big hat and glasses. So I was protected by the hot sun – sweat (a lot of sweat) didn’t matter I really enjoyed my visit!
“The South Gate”
“This is amazing!” as I whispered to myself about this beautiful ruin city. I imagined myself as if I’m in a real civilization in ancient times. Where people passing by, back and forth while I’m there standing in front of ‘The South Gate’! I also imagined those ruins as if it was still in good condition. Soldiers with their horses and their weapons were passing by in front of me. Ohh! How amazing if we can travel back time! I also thought about those classic or biblical story I saw in movies or read in books. As I imagined those things, I also pictured out those aristocracy and slavery in those times. I thought this happened too here, but I am not so sure how much aristocracy and slavery in this ancient Greco-Roman city. The thing made me sad while looking back was that the ancient slavery then.
“at the back I think where armies (ancient times) fed their horses of water when going out or from South Gate”
“Jerash map (wikipedia public domain)”
“Experience the superb taste of Roman rule in the Middle East – visit Jerash!” Jerash can be walked easily in just a couple of hours. Here are the lists of a must to see sites that is hard to miss:
For our 3 days visit itinerary to Jordan click here: A Trip to Jordan
Written: 31st of October 2022; Edited: 16th of December 2022; Posted: 17th of August 2023…
"The greatest journey is the journey within." - Unknown
"One of the gladdest moment in human life is a departure upon a distant journey…
"Traveling it leaves you speechless then turns you into a storyteller." - Ibn Battuta
"Travel is never a matter of money but of courage." - Paulo Coelho