Categories: Travels

Dead Sea: the Sea of Death

Also known as ‘the Sea of Death’ located between Jordan in the east and Israel, Palestine in the west. It is a lake of salt where no living creatures can live there. One of the world’s saltiest body of water and has a density of 1.24 kg/litre, which makes swimming similar to floating.

“called Yām ha-Melaḥ in Hebrew Bible, meaning “salt sea” (Genesis 14:3)”


I remember a short story I read (the ‘Tale of Two Seas’), which I don’t know who is the original author is. To summarize the idea and the lessons it is like this (please consider the quick retelling is based on my memory and few references for facts) 🙂

‘It is good to share one’s blessings than to keep it on your own, as it is said “Give, and it shall be given unto you.” -Luke 6:38’

The story tells about the ‘Dead Sea’ and the ‘Sea of Galilee’. The former is located at the south between Israel and Jordan and the latter is located in the north of Israel.

The Sea of Galilee (freshwater lake) is abundant of life! It is blessed with a colorful marine life and there are over twenty different types of fishes. While Dead Sea (saltwater lake) on the other hand, as what it called dead – has no life! No sea creatures living there.

This explains about where water flows. It is said that the ‘Sea of Galilee’  receives water from one end and gives out water to the other end while the ‘Dead Sea’ it only receives water. There’s no outlet, it only keeps all within itself. These two lakes get access from Jordan River.


As being one of those who can’t swim, this is my favorite place body of water! No need to practice swimming and floating, it will leads you to float whatever happens. But be careful while floating the sea is very salty that can hurt your eyes. With 34.2% salinity (in 2011), it is 9.6 times as salty as the ocean.

“floating at Dead Sea”


As the local says, Dead sea mud is good for the skin and body so we did try to put mud in our skin. These minerals that is effective in improving natural skin process came from the lowest part on earth. It contains of high levels of magnesium, boron, potassium, strontium, calcium and iron. In our experience, yeah after our mud therapy for 30 minutes under the sun I felt good and had smoother skin, of course!! 😀

“putting mud for 30 minutes under the sun.”


After ‘Dead Sea’ on our way to ‘Wadi Mujib’ our driver showed us the ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’. These cities where mentioned in the book of the Hebrew Bible and as well as in Quran. Also named as the ‘cities of the plains’ that corresponds to the area north of the modern-day ‘Dead Sea’. I think many knew about the story of the destroyed two cities because of their lustful deeds during the time of Lot the nephew of Abraham. Our driver showed us the mark of Lot’s wife which turns into salt stone during the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (the ‘pillar of fire’) when she looked back which was prohibited to do so.

“the statue of Lot’s wife that turned into Salt – Jebel Usdum or Mount of Sodom”


That time, Lot and his two daughters traveled and found a new place safe for them. As we continue our ride to Wadi Mujib, our driver then showed us the landmark that Lot and his daughters lived after they left Sodom.

“the place where Lot and his daughter lived after they left Sodom”


In Dead Sea area there are factories that produces products that came from its salt. There are a lot of beauty products that came from mud too. I did bought one! 🙂

“one of those factories found in Dead Sea area, Jordan”


For our 3 days visit itinerary to Jordan click here: A Trip to Jordan

*References and information sources – Wikipedia

I like "to inspire" as well as "to be inspired". I love to express in writing my gratitude about how wonderful the world is! It’s a great life! It’s a great world! :)

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