
The greatest journey is the journey within

"The greatest journey is the journey within." - Unknown

2 years ago

The gladdest moment is a departure into unknown lands

"One of the gladdest moment in human life is a departure upon a distant journey into unknown lands." - Sir…

2 years ago

Traveling it leaves you speechless then turns you into a storyteller

"Traveling it leaves you speechless then turns you into a storyteller." - Ibn Battuta

2 years ago

Travel is a matter of courage

"Travel is never a matter of money but of courage." - Paulo Coelho

2 years ago

Climb mountains

"Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world." - David McCullough Jr.

2 years ago

I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul

"I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul." - William Ernest Henley (Invictus)

3 years ago

I read I travel I become

"I read, I travel, I become." - Derek Walcott

3 years ago

For one minute just look and see

"One minute, don't read, don't talk, no photos,  just look and see." - Unknown

3 years ago

Hope each road leads you where you want to go

"I hope the days comes easy and the moments pass slow and each road leads you, where you want to…

3 years ago

No man is free, who is not the master of himself

"No man is free, who is not the master of himself." - Epictetus

3 years ago