Categories: Travels

Armenia – Day 4


This day, we had great and funny experience as well.

{It was a great morning! Seating at the kitchen table with hot tea and some bread for breakfast I was thinking where to go this day. As the guys said yesterday that they were not sure if they still can go with me. Searching in the net, but can’t decide yet. Hmmm! 

“Good morning! Where we go next?” a friend came in the kitchen to eat breakfast too. 

“Will you travel with me? I asked him gladly.

“Yeah.” he smiled.

“Great!” then my other friend came and wants to go with us too. I was happy of course and we decided to go to have a picnic in the northeastern Armenia to Sevan Lake!}

  • BUS STOP outside Opera Theatre

After we had information from the hostel in-charge like numbers of buses to ride, we went to the supermarket for our food first. Then went to a bus stop near Opera Theatre. We waited the bus for I think half an hour there! Confused why half an hour? Well, it was because we waited buses going to Gegharkunik not in the right bus stop area. (See this trolleybus type in Yerevan here).

In that span of half an hour, we laughed, joked and asked a passenger if the bus numbers we had would stop there. I’m confident because the man I asked said yes!

Thanks that my friend Simon saw the bus we were looking for stopped at the other side. So we run & cross the street to reached there! Woooh, great we reached it!

From Yerevan that took us about approx 65km ride – I didn’t remember the hours we took from Yerevan to Sevan lake. But I have a great experience from locals while riding those public transports.


That took us long hours riding this bus from the capital Yerevan. Of course, as I said in my previous post we had a problem in communication talking to some locals – it was too. Lucky that in the bus with us there’s this one beautiful lady who speaks good English and she guided us where we were about to stopped. She’s with us too while we stopped at the bus terminal and again guided us to the buses going to Sevan Lake. Thanks Ma’am!

  • at unknown bus terminal

So why I name this as unknown terminal? Well, we didn’t really remember what locals called this terminal and we can’t find any English written signage in the area. So up to now I am still thinking ‘what is that terminal name’? If anyone can tell me please… 😀


Here was the best part while riding in this van. There’s this little child of about 2 years old seating in front of us with his father. He is really cute, he laughed then cried, laughed then cried. The attitude of a child, but we especially me enjoyed seeing this little boy.

Other thing was that I sat beside with this kind-hearted woman, she is silent we didn’t talked but the good things was she draw sketches as our means of communication. While I and my friends were talking, she approached me with touched in my shoulder, got her pen and notebook. She draw a monastery and a lake meaning “are you going to Sevan Lake?”

“Yes!” we nodded and smiled. It was one of the best things happened to me in my travels for having a chance to interact with this kind of conversation. Truly, the best languages are smiles, gestures and sketches. Thanks Ma’am!

Picnic! Lol! We didn’t made it, it was really cold when we reached Sevan Lake and doing a picnic there was not a great idea. It was spring but here still there were snow mostly at top of the mountains. As I have few and not really thick clothes with me – I was freezing! Really freeziiinngg!! Thanks to my two friends they let me borrowed their sweater and gloves. Thank you Simon and Quentin! You became my ‘knights in shinning armor’ on that day! 😀

When going back to Yerevan, we looked for a private car that took us directly there. While walking few steps away from the monastery in Sevan Lake we met a funny driver. Yes, he took us to Yerevan happily. 🙂


So we were back in the hostel early in the evening. We stayed a while there – in the kitchen again, we did played some card games that was introduced by our friend Simon (the things he learned from his travels). We had fun!

  • YEREVAN at night

At dinner time, we went to Armenian veggie restaurant at Yerevan. In this photo where you can see what I eat. I liked it!

Related post: Armenia DIY Itinerary


I like "to inspire" as well as "to be inspired". I love to express in writing my gratitude about how wonderful the world is! It’s a great life! It’s a great world! :)

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